Operation rogue full movie
Operation rogue full movie

That wouldn’t be happening any sooner than Tony getting to blast him though. Finally he turned his attention to Hulk, the beast standing near Stark, huffing and shifting, waiting for the word to smash.

operation rogue full movie

A spark of enjoyment was in the Asgardian’s eyes though, which was enough for Coulson. If the man couldn’t handle a little bit of Midgardian winter then they were truly in trouble. Then there was Thor, who was a god, and honestly had a Frost Giant for a brother. She was human after all and was susceptible to human illnesses…like the dreaded rhinovirus or influenza…both of which rendered her a complete mess and miserable and thus all the more deadly). Natasha had been born and raised in Russia, so while her cheeks and the tip of her nose were a flattering and rather adorable shade of pink, she didn’t seem to mind the weather (though, she had finally relented and accepted to take a light coat from one of the agents. Iron Man didn’t seem to notice the chill, presumably because the suit was heated during the winter to ensure components didn’t freeze up on him. They were all still dressed in their uniforms, Captain America looking to be the coldest of them all but bless his heart if he didn’t let it show…much (even given his aversion to snow and ice which was of course natural given the 70 years he spent frozen). Looking around at the group before him, Phil Coulson took a moment to mentally appraise the situation. If anything, they were done a favor by having him taken out of the picture. Jasper had a tendency to let his mouth run off and truthfully, the man had nearly gotten hit by Phil himself a number of times. “…Jasper was an idiot and deserved what he got.” He tried not to let his amusement show through at the looks he got for that uncaring remark. And Menendez! Hell, he even just took down Sitwell! Don’t you want to avenge your friend?!”Ī corner of Coulson’s mouth twitched as he glanced over his shoulder to where Agent Jasper Sitwell still lie on the snow covered ground. The man didn’t deserve that headache, even if he had for the moment gone rogue. Under no circumstances did he approve of Tony using his repulsors to shoot at their target. You are not blasting him.” Coulson’s voice was laced with stress and aggravation. “Just let me fire one off! I won’t hurt him, I swear.

operation rogue full movie

“Someone needs to stop him, before this gets any more out of hand.” “This can’t continue,” Cap panted, his face red from the cold and effort it was taking to keep from being hit again. The one rogue agent who managed to take out S.H.I.E.L.D agents like it was no one’s business. Six against one hardly seemed fair, and it wasn’t the six still couldn’t compete against the one. Now, hours later, only six remained standing. The sudden and surprise attack upon Captain American, a blow to the back of the head that had the mighty Super Soldier suddenly face down in the snow, that was the start of a much bigger battle.

operation rogue full movie operation rogue full movie

Simple as that.) it was the after math that they hadn’t been prepared for. And while it didn’t take them long to render him utterly destroyed (really, whoever thought they could beat the Avengers with a giant Abominable Snowman clearly hadn’t been thinking the laws of basic science. No matter what the cost.Ī crowd had gathered some time ago, watching with great interest as the Avengers and half of S.H.I.E.L.D swept into Central Park to battle the ten foot evil Frosty from Hell. It wasn’t going to be pretty, but they all knew that the man had to be stopped. They were under attack, and by one of their own at that.

#Operation rogue full movie plus

The Avengers, plus their handler Agent Coulson, stood poised and ready, armed to the teeth and none seeming phased by the chill in the air. The snow had stopped falling as heavily hours before, but still they remained in the dimming sunlight, agents fallen all around them.

Operation rogue full movie